Engineer Professional Silicone-Tip Solder Sucker

Product ID: 1597
Max per customer: 10
Qty Discount
1-9 $19.50


Ever go to a diner and they give you a bottle of ketchup and it says "Extra Fancy" and you're thinking to yourself "what makes this ketchup 'extra fancy' anyhow?" Well, this professional-grade solder sucker is "Extra Fancy" and there's no question as to why. When you hold its machined aluminum body, you'll think "Fancy!", the smooth action and release is also "Fancy" and the replaceable silicone rubber tip? "Extra Fancy!"

This Japanese upgrade to the classic $5 solder sucker is a joy to use. Since the tip is rubbery soft silicone you don't have to worry about it melting. You also get a long tube in case it gets clogged or dirty.

To use, depress the end to engage the vacuum. Then heat up the to-be-desoldered joint until it is liquid. With your other hand hold the plastic tip as close as possible to the joint and depress the button to suck up all the liquid solder. If necessary, clean up the remaining solder with wick.

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Play video: Desoldering Pump - Collin's Lab Notes #adafruit​ #collinslabnotes​

Play video: ENGINEER brand SS-02 Innovative Solder Sucker

Play video: New Products 11/30/2013

Professional Silicone-Tip Solder Sucker (0:17)

Technical Details


  • For additional product information, visit Engineer's product page
  • Dimensions: 8.1 x 3.4 x 0.7 inches
  • Weight: 52g
  • Cylinder Capacity: 9cc

Revision History:

  • As of October 16, 2024 this is now the SS-03 model
RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant
RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant


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