Tough Relay from Digital Loggers

Product ID: 5718


Tough Relay combines the features of a durable power relay, AC current monitor, circuit breaker, energy logger, power meter, and an event scheduler all in a compact DIN package. It can be used stand-alone or connected to a microprocessor via serial I/O.

This DIN rail-mountable power management system is stuffed full of functionality - from the same folks who brought us the handy microcontroller-friendly four outlet relay.

Tough Relay is a smart electromechanical relay with several features:

  • A rugged AC- or DC-rated SPDT power relay with large contacts, a 12A fuse, and a software circuit breaker. Takes the place of a delay relay, circuit breaker, and voltage/current monitor.
  • Universal power, 5-24VDC, about 1W.
  • Built-in AC ammeter with power integration for energy monitoring.
  • Monitored ADC inputs used for triggering the relay or measuring external DC voltages.
  • A real-time clock and battery for scheduling.
  • An RS-232 / TTL serial output for streaming histograms, status reports, etc. to a host processor.
  • Long life non-volatile FRAM memory to store logs.

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