Kailh Mechanical Key Switches - Tactile Brown - 10 pack - Cherry MX Brown Compatible

Product ID: 4954


For crafting your very own custom keyboard, these Kailh Brown Linear mechanical key switches are deeee-luxe! With smooth actuation and Cherry MX compatibility, they're lovely when you want a tactile keystroke - it's not clicky like the white-stem keys, more like a little 'bump' when pressing.

  • Quiet Tactile / 'Bump' type
  • Operating force: 50 gf (+/-10 gf)
  • Tactile force: 60gf (+/-10 gf)
  • Pretravel: 1.8 mm (+/- 0.3 mm)
  • Pressure point: 0.6 mm
  • Total travel: 3.6mm (+/- 0.3 mm)
  • Reset point: 1.8 mm

Comes in a pack of 10 switches, plenty to make a small keyboard, or grab a few packs to build a full keyboard.

We also carry the RedWhite, and Black versions of these key switches, for different key-press feel.

Play video: Mechanical Key Switch: Tactile & Clicky - Collin’s Lab Notes #adafruit #collinslabnotes

Play video: New Products 4/7/2021 feat. Adafruit FunHouse - WiFi Home Automation Development Board!

Technical Details


Build an Art Deco-style, two-key keypad with NeoKey 2 FeatherWing
The only thing better than a nice mechanical key is FOUR!
Also known as the Clackulator, if you pick Blue keyswitches