Binho Breadboard Breakout

Product ID: 4460
Why not check out the SWD (2x5 1.27mm) Cable Breakout Board?


This board breaks a male 2x5 1.27mm connector out to breadboard-friendly 2.54mm / 0.1" pitch headers. It's an easy way to interface your Binho Nova host adapter with other circuits using standard jumper wires as well.

The board measures 14mm x 18mm x 7mm and is black with white silkscreen labels for each of the pins. The SMT connector comes soldered to the board, but you'll need to install the headers (included) yourself with a soldering iron.

Note that each Binho Nova includes one of these adapters, but maybe you want a spare?

Play video: New Products 12/18/2019 featuring Binho Nova Multi-Protocol USB Host Adapter! @adafruit #adafruit


A quick tutorial demonstrating all of the different ways to interact with Binho Nova

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