Wireframe Magazine - Issue #13

Product ID: 4312
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Published by Raspberry Pi Press, Wireframe Magazine is a fortnightly magazine that "lifts the lid on video games", looking at how games are made, who makes them, and guides you through the journey of making your own!

We especially dig this issue for their sweet writeup on our very own, PyBadge

Other articles cover the new Afrofuturist game, We Are The Caretakers, the evolution of detective games, a Unity tutorial on recreating the blink mechanic (instantly teleporting a short distance à la Overwatch's Tracer or Dishonored's Corvo), and more!

Plus, who can resist such great titles like, "Too cheap, perchance, to stream?"

Play video: New Products 7/17/19 Featuring 2.0" 320x240 Color IPS #TFT Display! #adafruit