Smore Magazine - Aug/Sept 2018 Edition
Science like a girl! Feast your eyes on this super special anniversary edition of Smore Magazine, a science magazine for smart young girls who can't stop wondering about the world around them. We love Smore (or, Science-more!) for their fun and un-intimidating issues and for their dedication towards equal representation of women in STEM. Far more than a stereotypical "girly" magazine, Smore was created to inspire girls with fun, engaging content, and by sharing stories of successful women in STEM fields.
This issue features Limor "Ladyada" Fried with a fantastic write-up on how she got started in DIY electronics and building her own company. Scared by the idea of troubleshooting a project that doesn't immediately work right? In Limor's words, "To succeed, you have to get pretty comfortable with failing." We believe building resilience is a great life lesson for young girls, not just for electronics.
Also featured in this issue is Jordan Reeves, a brilliant young tinkerer who built her own purple unicorn-horn arm prosthetic that shoots glitter (!!!). What will you be inspired to make, build, code in your life?
Technical Details
Product Dimensions: 280.0mm x 270.0mm x 3.0mm / 11.0" x 10.6" x 0.1"
Product Weight: 206.0g / 7.3oz