2600: The Hacker Quarterly - Summer 2017
2600: The Hacker Quarterly is an American quarterly journal specializing in issues surrounding hacking, telephone switching systems, internet protocols, telecommunications in general, the politics around high technology, and its impact on society.
With origins in the phreaking community and late 20th century counterculture, 2600 and its associated conference transitioned to coverage of modern hacker culture, and the magazine has become a platform for speaking out against increased digital surveillance and advocacy of personal and digital freedoms.
This issue includes a piece by our very own LadyAda and Mr. LadyAda – Citizen Engineer!
Featured in this issue:
- The Power of the Press
- The Censorship Resistant Internet: How to Run a Tor Hidden Service
- Converting the Voter Database and Facebook into a Google for Criminals
- Hacktivism to End Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
- Telecom Informer
- How Rogue One Taught Me Not to Be a Bad Guy
- A Declaration of Independence for Cyberspace
- Demonsaw: Bypassing Anonymity Utilizing Social Engineering
- Creating an Automated Open Wi-Fi Traffic Capturing Tool for Under $20
- 0x8bc4 Before You 0xffe0
- Hacker Perspective
- My Perspective
- Analog vs. Digital Living: Real Solutions to Absolute Anonymity and Privacy
- Effecting Digital Freedom
- Building a Better Screen Locker for GNU/Linux
- Citizen Engineer – by our very own LadyAda and pt!
- VR Trumpers
- Successful Network Attacks - Phase Three
- Advice from the Socially Engineered
- Internet Thoughts
- Fiction: Hacking the Naked Princess 0x13
- Hacker Happenings
Play video: New Products 7/19/2017
Technical Details
Product Dimensions: 217.0mm x 140.0mm x 10.0mm / 8.5" x 5.5" x 0.4"
Product Weight: 99.6g / 3.5oz