Project Kit for Android Things™

Product ID: 3227


Welcome to the Internet of Things with Google! Whether you are a device creator prototyping a new design for production, or a hobbyist looking for an introduction to the new Android Things API, you've come to the right place. It's time to get your Android enabled hardware working with Google services.

Android Things is an Android-based OS that supports new embedded single board computer like the Raspberry Pi 3 and introduces a new set of Hardware API for Android to access GPIO, SPI, I2C, PWM and UART peripherals.

This kit will supply you with peripherals for your Intel Edison or Raspberry Pi 3, so you can get your feet wet with the new Android Things API and start exploring and developing on the platform. If you're planning on using this with the Pi 3, we recommend that you pick up the Raspberry Pi 3 Board Pack as well.

This kit will allow you to run through official samples, "getting started" tutorials, and build your first Android Things projects.

Kit includes:

Please check out the resources and documentation through the links below to get more information on how to get Android Things working with your developer board:

Play video: New Products 12/14/2016


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