Getting Started with Processing by Casey Reas & Ben Fry - Second Edition

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We are now stocking Getting Started with Processing - Second Edition. A Quick, Hands-on Introduction By Casey Reas, Ben Fry. We get asked the following a lot from beginners "how do you learn how to program" and our answer is usually "try processing". It's open source, free to download, has a massive community and the things you learn will help you with learning Arduino, which is usually within the context we're asked.

Learn computer programming the easy way with Processing, a simple language that lets you use code to create drawings, animation, and interactive graphics. Programming courses usually start with theory, but this book lets you jump right into creative and fun projects. It's ideal for anyone who wants to learn basic programming, and serves as a simple introduction to graphics for people with some programming skills.

Written by the founders of Processing, this book takes you through the learning process one step at a time to help you grasp core programming concepts. You'll learn how to sketch with code -- creating a program with one a line of code, observing the result, and then adding to it. Join the thousands of hobbyists, students, and professionals who have discovered this free and educational community platform.

  • Quickly learn programming basics, from variables to objects
  • Understand the fundamentals of computer graphics
  • Get acquainted with the Processing software development environment
  • Create interactive graphics with easy-to-follow projects
  • Use the Arduino open source prototyping platform to control your Processing graphics
  • Learn to applu data visualization techniques
  • Connect electronics to Processing with Arduino
  • Add sound to your graphical creations

Chapter 1 Hello

  1. Sketching and Prototyping
  2. Flexibility
  3. Giants
  4. Family Tree
  5. Join In

Chapter 2 Starting to Code

  1. Your First Program
  2. Show
  3. Save and New 
  4. Share
  5. Examples and Reference

Chapter 3 Draw

  1. The Display Window 
  2. Basic Shapes
  3. Drawing Order
  4. Shape Properties
  5. Drawing Modes 
  6. Color
  7. Custom Shapes
  9. Robot 1: Draw

Chapter 4 Variables

  1. First Variables 
  2. Making Variables
  3. Processing Variables
  4. A Little Math
  5. Repetition
  6. Robot 2: Variables

Chapter 5 Response

  1. Once and Forever 
  2. Follow
  3. Click
  4. Location
  5. Type
  6. Map
  7. Robot 3: Response

Chapter 6 Translate, Rotate, Scale

  1. Translate 
  2. Rotate
  3. Scale 
  4. Push and Pop
  5. Robot 4

Chapter 7 Media

  1. Images
  2. Fonts
  3. Shapes
  4. Robot 4: Media

Chapter 8 Motion

  1. Speed and Direction
  2. Tweening
  3. Random
  4. Timers
  5. Circular
  6. Translate, Rotate, Scale
  7. Robot 5: Motion

Chapter 9 Functions

  1. Function Basics
  2. Make a Function
  3. Return Values
  4. Robot 6: Functions

Chapter 10 Objects

  1. Classes and Objects
  2. Robot 7: Objects

Chapter 11 Arrays

  1. Make an Array
  2. Repetition and Arrays
  3. Arrays of Objects
  4. Robot 8: Arrays

Chapter 12 Data 

  1. Data Summary
  2. Tables
  3. JSON
  4. Network Data and APIs
  5. Robot 10: Data 

Chapter 13 Extend

  1. Sound 
  2. Image and PDF Export 
  3. Hello, Arduino
  • A/Coding Tips
  • B/Data Types
  • C/Order of Operations
  • D/Variable Scope
  • Index

Technical Details

Note: As of Monday, December 14th 2015, we are now selling the Second Edition to Make: Getting Started with Processing. 

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