Standard servo - TowerPro SG-5010 - 5010
Qty | Discount |
1-9 | $12.00 |
10-99 | $10.80 |
100+ | $9.60 |
This high-torque standard servo can rotate approximately 180 degrees (90 in each direction). You can use any servo code, hardware, or library to control these servos. Good for beginners who want to make stuff move without building a motor controller with feedback & gearbox. Comes with 3 horns, as shown. They aren't the highest quality servo (which is why they are less expensive) and so are not suggested for hobby planes. We now carry the Tower-Pro SG-5010.
To control with an Arduino, we suggest connecting the orange control wire to pin 9 or 10 and using the Servo library included with the Arduino IDE (see here for an example sketch). Position "0" (1.5ms pulse) is middle, "90" (~2ms pulse) is all the way to the right, "-90" (~1ms pulse) is all the way to the left.
Note that the default servo pulse widths (usually 1ms to 2ms) may not give you a full 180 degrees of motion. In that case, check if you can set your servo controller to custom pulse lengths and try 0.75ms to 2.25ms. You can try shorter/longer pulses but be aware that if you go too far you could break your servo!
Technical Details
- Power: 4.8V - 6V DC max (5V works well)
- Average Speed: 0.2sec/60degree (@ 4.8V), 0.16sec/60degree (@ 6V)
- Weight: 39g (1.37 oz)
- Torque: At 5V, 5.5kg-cm / 76oz-in, and at 6V 6.5kg-cm / 90oz-in.
- Size mm: (L x W x H) 40 x 20.0 x 38 mm
- Size in: (L x W x H) 1.60x.79x1.50
- Spline Count: 25

DigiKey Electronics
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Core Electronics
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Mouser Electronics
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