BlinkStick - Smart USB-Controlled LED Pixel Kit

Product ID: 1370
Qty Discount
1-9 $16.95
10-99 $15.26
100+ $13.56


This mini kit is an easy way to add a single RGB-color LED to your computer. After assembly (requires a soldering iron, solder and diagonal cutter - not included) plug it into you Mac, Windows or Linux computer's USB port and run the open source software to control the bright LED's color. No drivers required!

While there are a few USB-pixel controllers out there, we like this one for its comprehensive software & examples for popular operating systems. There's also some code written that allows use of the blinkstick through a web-browser, using as an event-provider!

As of February 19th, 2014 we are shipping v1.1 of the BlinkStick. This version is the new and improved BlinkStick with a brighter LED.

This pack contains all parts required to build one BlinkStick. It's designed to be small (the size of an average USB Flash key), but still easy to solder even for beginners. The kit comes with a preprogrammed ATTiny85 chip with the latest BlinkStick firmware.

For tons more info, including project ideas, firmware and schematic files, instructions, etc check out

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BlinkStick - Smart USB-Controlled LED Pixel Kit (5:35)

Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 62mm / 2.44" x 16.9mm / 0.66" x 11.27mm / 0.44"
  • Weight: 6.93g
RoHS 2 2011 65 EU Compliant
RoHS 2 2015 863 EU Compliant